RC Redliwil-Polaris begeistert bei Charity-Konzert zugunsten von Bildungsprojekten

samedi 23 novembre 2024

On 23 November 2024, the Rotary Club Redliwil hosted a moving charity concert in the "Musiksaal Redliwil" cultural center. With over 200 guests and a top-class musical performance, the event was a complete success.

The concert, which was held under the motto "Education connects", aimed to raise funds for educational initiatives in disadvantaged regions. The evening began with a welcome address by the club president, Andreas Zimmermann, who emphasized the importance of education as the key to equal opportunities.

The highlight of the evening was the performance of the well-known pianist Luca Moretti, whose performance of classical and modern pieces delighted the audience. The combination of music and social commitment created a unique atmosphere.

Thanks to the generous donations of the guests, an impressive sum of CHF 15,000 was raised. This will go entirely towards a project to promote digital educational resources in rural schools in Kenya, which the club is supporting in cooperation with an international Rotary partner.

"We are overwhelmed by the response and the generosity of our guests. It shows how music can build bridges and do good," said the president in his closing speech.

The evening ended with a joint networking aperitif, where participants were able to discuss future projects and initiatives.

RC Redliwil would like to thank all supporters and looks forward to tackling the next event with the same level of commitment.